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Film for Classics

"Obsolescence is just a lack of IMAGINATION."

About our Company
Since 1988 Film for Classics has been providing photographic film for users of antique/classic cameras all over the world.

We purchase roll film from Eastman Kodak Company in large rolls. We cut and spool this film using recycled spools and backing paper if these are available. If not, we use spools and backing paper of our own design and manufacture. All 620-sized film is respooled 120-sized film, replacing the larger 120 spool with the somewhat smaller 620 spool.

Processing services are available for 126, 127, 620 and 828 film sizes. * When you purchase processing mailers with your film, you can save 10% off the pre-tax, total cost.

All Film for Classics' films are guaranteed fresh and each roll is marked with an expiration date. If you are dissatisfied with any of our products or services for any reason, you may return the materials to us for a full and prompt refund.

User Processing of FFC Films
If you plan to process our films yourself, we suggest you follow Kodak's processing instructions. Kodak can be reached by calling 800.242.2424.


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